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Legislative Efforts


Maryland General Assembly 2023 Legislative Session Report

MTBMA’s Legislative Committee is hard at work and dedicated to being the voice for its members by meeting and speaking with legislators, following important bills that may affect its members, and pushing for the necessary changes. We encourage our members to get involved in the legislative process and welcome your thoughts and concerns.

MTBMA Committee Chair: 
Megan B. Owings, David A. Bramble Inc.

MTBMA Committee Members:
Barry Catterton, CES Consulting LLC
Chuck Wall, Seyfarth Shaw
Greg Andricos, Wagman, Inc.
Jay Baldwin, Reliable Contracting Co. Inc.
Michael Higgins, Concrete General, Inc.
Pete Placke, Gray & Son, Inc.
David Slaughter, M. Luis Construction Co. Inc.
Dave Smith, Martin Marietta
Marc Kmec, Martin Marietta
Stephen Skippen, Skanska USA Civil SE, Inc.
Miguel Lambert, The Bulldog Group
Naumaan Nasir, Nasir and Associates, LLC
Barret Tucker, Allan Myers
Gerry Evans, MTBMA
Hayley Evans, MTBMA
Rachel Clark, MTBMA
Michael Sakata, MTBMA
Laura Strange, MTBMA